The Abhyanga Snana ( oil massage) is a very powerful health giving habit. It is mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts as a Dinacharya, a habit to be followed on a daily basis by everyone for good health. Across India from ancient times, the Abhyanga Snana , also called oil bath , has been practiced with great results
The Abhyanga Snana is a head-to-toe self-massage with suitable Ayurvedic oils followed by a bath with an herb-powder called Ubtan. It is a great act of self-care. It is NOT to be confused with a relaxing spa massage by therapists !
It is recommended that all healthy adults perform at least 2 Abhyanga Snana's every week to keep their bodies strong & healthy. However due busy urban lives or a lack of exposure to Ayurveda, many are afraid to begin their Abhyanga Journey.
This Krya E-book on the Mini Abhyanga has been written to bridge this gap in both Ayurvedic knowledge & actual time, to help you get started. It has simple illustrations for both men & women on how to perform the mini abhyanga
The Mini Abhyanga is NOT meant to replace a full Abhyanga , but it is still gives many of the amazing health benefits of the full Abhyanga
Do download this free guide, get started, share with friends & family too !
If you want to read our complete Abhyanga guide, here is the blog post

The Krya Mini Abhyanga Guide - Free Ebook
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