Krya Kids Hair Oil - Classic

₹ 270.00


Size: 50 ml

Size: 50 ml
50 ml
100 ml
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The Krya Kids Hair Oil Classic: Is designed for hair and scalp which is normal to oily, displaying a greater dominance of Pitta prakriti. This hair oil helps balance aggravated Pitta dosha and excess sebum, nourishes scalp and hair, supports healthy brain development, and calms and soothes the young, growing brain.  

The benefits of hair oil for your Child:

  • At Krya, we recommend the regular and frequent use of a good quality hair oil for adults. However, the practice of oiling in Indian traditional medicine gives many other health benefits apart from a healthy head of hair. Oiling the scalp and hair is considered extremely beneficial to reduce excess pitta in the body. Oiling also helps calms down the entire body, relaxes the nerves and aids in giving sound and restful sleep.
  • For babies and children, oiling acts as an extra support to their as-yet under developed body and organ systems.  A good hair oil stimulates healthy hair growth, repairs the damage caused by harsh shampoos, and relaxes the body aiding sound sleep. Most importantly, it helps support the rapid development of the brain at this stage, helping calm excited pitta and vata dosha in the brain.
  • Regular oil application on your child's hair comes with many wonderful benefits. Besides improving the texture and health of the hair, oiling keeps the scalp’s sebum levels in balance, improves circulation in the scalp, deep cleans the scalp and lifts dead cells and dirt, and stimulates the roots.
  • In addition, the Krya Kids Hair Oil - Classic helps balance aggravated Pitta - so this controls the tendency of the scalp to become greasy, and controls build up of "heat" generated in the scalp.
kids hair oil classic by krya

Difference between the Krya Kids hair oils and the Krya adult hair oils

  • The Krya Kids hair oil is formulated differently from the Krya Adults hair oil. We formulate based on Ayurvedic principles of using herbs that support the development of "medhya" (intellect), that support the development of the brain, and also help calm down the brain which is excited by the new stimuli it received every day, especially at this stage of growth.
  • Our adult range of hair oils contain a slightly different combination of herbs. We also use a much higher proportion of herbs in order to repair the damage often seen on adult hair and scalp.
  • The Krya Kids hair oil uses high proportion of ayurvedic herbs like brahmi, ashwagandha, vacha, guduchi, etc. Brahmi helps boost memory and aids neurological development. It also relaxes and cools the scalp and removes stress and excess pitta.


How the Krya Kids oil - Classic is made :

  • The Krya Kids Hair Oil - Classic is made using a classical 3-part Ayurvedic method combining Taila ( oil ) , Kashayam ( Aqueous Extract ) and Kalpa ( paste) .This is a method unique to Indian traditional medicine, where the nutrients inside herbs are extracted in both water and oil - this ensures that every part of the herb is extracted into the oil, giving you an oil which is both powerful and "sookshma" (capable of penetrating even the minute cells). This process alone takes us between 6 - 8 hours of constant manual stirring to ensure the oil maintains a perfect consistency and the herbs do not get burned.
  • After processing the base oil and base herbs, we further add raw, cold pressed , organic oils and let the herbs steep for more time to ensure their nutrient properties are fully transferred to the oil. This cold infusion process takes us a further 7 days - so every batch of oil takes us 8 days to manufacture. At the end of the hot processing and the cold infusion process, the texture of the oil changes and the oil is extremely different from its basic nature - so even though heavy oils like sesame and coconut are used, the end oil is much lighter, less sticky and penetrates hair and scalp much faster than the base oil.
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50 ml, 100 ml