Skin diseases like Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis are sharply on the rise in India. These conditions do not have any real, effective, long term solutions in Western Medicine. They are merely managed, and many times the cause behind the rise and spread of the disease is also not fully understood.
These skin conditions are managed using drying soaps which depend upon ingredients like coal tar and Triclosan and the use of corticosteroids and topical creams that help suppress associated symptoms like itching, rash, etc in the skin. The effects of using these products are only temporary. After a few hours , the skin is back to its itchiness, and dryness .
Ayurveda gives us a different way of both thinking about and formulating the right products for these skin conditions. The Acharyas talk about a variety of Hetu (internal causes) which can trigger these skin reactions including contact with irritants, sharp fragrances, air borne allergens and also a variety of internal causes like eating wrong food combinations, eating at incorrect timings, eating food that is unsuitable for our prakriti (constitution) and genetic reasons.
Krya's line of Sensitive Skin Care products like the Sensitive Skin oil for Adults, Sensitive Skin Bodywash, Sensitive Bodywash for Toddlers, and the line of Sensitive skin products for Babies has been very well received and appreciated by Customers. Our products are wholesome and holistic and help manage the condition in a more effective and safe way. However, such skin conditions need to be fully tackled through meaningful diet interventions, internal medications and long term behavioral changes and lifestyle changes based on how Ayurveda analyses the start and spread of these diseases.
In order to help people with skin conditions like Psoriasis, Eczema and Dermatitis understand their conditions better and understand what Foods can trigger / worsen such diseases, here is Krya's Second Free E-Book on Foods that Trigger Skin Diseases (Kushta Roga).
Please do download, read and absorb the information in this E Book and start using the principles outlined to modify your diet for Kushta Roga. If you think this information us useful, please forward it to a friend who might need this advice as well.
If you have any questions on Skin Disorders or need help choosing the right Krya products for conditions like Psoriasis, Eczema, Contact Dermatitis and Atopic Dermatitis, please drop a comment, email us or call us (0-75500-89090).

Food Triggers that Cause Skin Diseases - Free Krya E-Book
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