Krya strongly advocates a regular Abhyanga Snana for good health, harmony & well being. We also have a wide range of Abhyanga Snana products like the Krya Classic Abhyanga Oil, the Krya Intense Abhyanga oil and a good range of skin cleansing and Ama clearing ubtans that are suitable to use after a Abhyanga. These Snana products are formulated differently for Men & Women. We also have Classic and Intense versions of each Ubtan to be used either after the Classic Abhyanga Oil or the Intense Abhyanga Oil
However, when we speak about the Abhyanga Snana, many are confused about how to begin doing an Abhyanga Snana. There are also many doubts on what Abhyanga Snana products should be chosen and what the abhyanga benefits are for different kinds of people.
To answer these questions, here is our E Book which gives you an Introduction to the benefits of an Abhyanga Snana. In this book we speak about why Ayurveda considers this such a powerful practice, what its benefits are for the elderly, for active sportspeople, for infants, for post partum women and for city living adults.
We also speak about the range of Krya's Abhyanga Snana products, which products benefit whom and how to do a proper Ayurvedic Snana after an abhyanga.
If you have any questions on Abhyanga Snana or need help choosing the right Krya products for your Abhaynga Snana, please drop a comment, email us or call us (0-75500-89090).

Benefits of a Regular Abhyanga Snana - Free Krya E-Book
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